Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Monogrammed Tailgate Essentials

personalized tailgate essentials

Can you feel it yet? The smell of food on the grill, a slight chill in the air, familiar team colors starting to infiltrate wardrobes.  Tailgate season is upon us!  A glorious time when weekends are filled with team chants, home-cooking, pom-poms, and facepaint.  To help you get in the spirit I'll tell you about the monogrammed tailgate essentials you will need this season to tailgate like a pro.

monogrammed coolers for your tailgating party

First things first, aside from collegiate clothingthe most important tailgate essential is the Personalized Cooler.  Keep your favorite beverages icy cold with this insulated cooler.  This fully zippered cooler keeps cool air in while the removable shoulder strap makes it a breeze to carry. Plus it's super cute!  For everything else pack it in with the Monogrammed Cooler Tote.  Sleek and simple, this large cooler tote is ready to go with plenty of room for packing.  This cooler is easy to carry and strong enough to hold a ton of goodies.

monogrammed cups for your tailgating game

Another essential tailgate item is some drinkware keep beverages warm or cold.  Depending on what you're serving the Stainless Steel Cup, Skinny Tumbler, and Wine Tumbler are the perfect pairing for tailgating tastings.  I have even put hot soup in them for sipping on cold game days.

monogrammed koolies

If you are serving canned or bottled beverages, another easy to have essential is a couple of Drink Insulators and Leather Koolies Easy to pack and lightweight they're great for keeping beverages cold.  Stash a bunch in your cooler tote or clear bag so you never have to worry about a lukewarm beverage, yuk!
personalized crossbody bags for tailgating

If you are tailgating with the intent of going into the game plan to eat and drink two hours before the game so you'll have plenty of time to pack up.  Most stadiums have instituted clear bag rules but luckily there are plenty of options.  The Monogrammed Clear Crossbody and Monogrammed Clear Wristlet are great options if you want to pack allot or a little.  Keep your cellphone makeup and nick-nacks easily available with clear bags. Remember not to forget those tickets or where you parked!

personalized rain jacket and baseball hat

This next essential tailgate item has saved me soooo many times! The Monogrammed Baseball Hat. Super simple, but always a clutch item, the baseball hat shades from the sun. This way you never miss the action because of glare.  Plus it acts as some protection for your face during an all-day tailgate.  

Lastly, you can never be too prepared for the weather.  If there is a slight chance of rain be prepared with a Monogrammed New England Rain Jacket.  This lightweight and comfortable rain jacket provides protection against the elements and can be tied around your waist to cool down.   

So now you can tailgate like a pro!  Easy right?  I hope this blog post helps with your next tailgate.  What are your favorite tailgate essentials and how do you prep for game day?  Let me know in the comments below.  And as always thanks for reading and sharing!

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