Monday, December 23, 2019

Duck Boot 101: Styling Your Duck Boots Into Winter

tips for styling monogram duck boots

Tips from Marleylilly's Photographer

Its that time of year; leaves are falling, the temperature is falling, and Christmas songs are all of the airways.  It's also the perfect time for Duck Boots. I'm here to tell you how to style and accessorize your winter duck boot looks.  From casual days to fun winter looks I'll cover them all.

Around this time of year, I like to bring out my favorite duck boots.  I have a pair of monogrammed brown duck boots and a pair of gray duck boots.  I also have monogrammed winter duck boots and monogrammed tall duck boots for those really chilly days. Just recently, I purchased some pull on duck boots.  These are my favorite pair as they are super easy to get on and off and pair with just about everything I own.

monogram duck boots sizes and types

My winter style starts with a cute cowl neck sweater tunic paired with my brown duck boots.  Classic and comfortable this look is paired with fitted jeans and basic duck boot socks.  If I'm wearing my monogrammed sherpa jacket I'll accessorize my boots with ivory sherpa tounges to match the jacket.  My family goes hunting frequently, so when I'm in the woods I wear a quilted barn coat, some fleece-lined jeans, and cute camo shoelaces.  If it freezing outside I'll pair my winter duck boots with a Quilted Coat and duck boot pom poms.  The poms-poms are super cute and match the hood liner of the quilted coat.

styling pieces for monogram duck boots

For a casual winter look, I'll either wear my sherpa pull on duck boots or tall duck boots.  I have these warm cabin socks that pair great with the boots.  My newest addition that I love pairing together is my sherpa duck boot laces and Aspen Hoodie. It's easy to pair a boyfriend sweater or boyfriend cardigan with denim and tall knee socks.

cozy monogram duck boot outfit

Duck Boots are a great winter staple because they keep you warm and comfy. It helps to have at least one regular pair and a tall pair just in case the weather is really cold.  It's also fun to accessorize and customize your look to stand out.  


I hope this guide will help you plan for the upcoming winter. . Comment below with your favorite Duck Boots accessories and how you style duck boots in the winter.