Professional tips from Marleylilly's Photographer
Using Composition Techniques to Take Better Photos:
Have you ever looked at a blog or website and wondered how in the world they got those incredible shots? When you look at photography as a whole, the different techniques, styles and equipment options can be overwhelming and you might be tempted to think I could never get that shot. But never fear! Whether you're a professional photographer, a blogger or just purchased your first camera, here are five composition tips on how to make your photos stand out...
One of the biggest aspects of photography is composition. Composition is a way of guiding the viewer's eye towards the most important elements of your work, sometimes in a very specific order. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you're exploring composition:
1. Rule of Thirds: The "rule of thirds" is applied by aligning a subject with the guidelines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section. For a "rule of thirds" overview, visit this link.
Image by Dennis Jarvis.
2. Placement of the Horizon Line: Most pictures look better if the horizon is positioned above or below the middle of the frame, not directly in the center of the image. The exception is when you're shooting a reflection. In this case, having the horizon in the center can work well because it creates equal elements at top and bottom—the scene above and the reflection below. For an in-depth lesson on Horizon line placement, click here.
Photograph via linked source above.
3. Leading Lines: One of the most effective and under-utilized compositional tools available to photographers. You can use them to draw a viewer's attention to a specific part of the frame, whether it's a person or a vanishing point in the background of the frame. For an in-depth lesson on Leading lines visit this source.

Photograph via linked source above.

Photograph via linked source above.
5. Fill the Frame: By filling the frame you add instant impact to the image. You exclude unnecessary clutter and bring a dynamic element to your photo. Figure out the focus of your photo and build around that! For a more on filling the frame, visit this link.

Photograph via linked source above.
The best advice I've received in photography is to learn what works for you! The "rules" of photography are not finite, so grab your camera and do a ton of test shots to find your style! Composition is just one aspect of photography, so give these tips a try to figure out what's next!
What are some of your favorite composition techniques? Let us know in the comments below!